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  1. 「公司」指正濤行有限公司。

  2. 「客戶」指於前頁所訂明的人士。

  3. 「車輛」指於前頁所訂明的車輛;而「修理」指「車輛」根據本車輛修理表格所進行的修理工作及於第11條內所提述的修理工作。

  4. 「公司」所提供有關費用及 / 或完成時間及 / 或任何其他有關「修理」的事項的口頭估計只可作為參考之用而不應在任何方面被視為「公司」的要約或終極的或以任何其他形式約束「公司」。

  5. 若「客戶」未能於「公司」發出「車輛」可被「客戶」取回的通知後的2天內取回「車輛」,「公司」將收取每日(不足一天作一天計算)港幣300元的存放費用(以「公司」工作咭內的通知紀錄作為定論的證據)。「公司」在此保留將「車輛」存放於室外的權利並且不會在該情況下就「車輛」或其任何附件被盜竊或任何其他原因所引致的任何損失及 / 或損害負上法律或其他責任;而該損失及 / 或損害將全部由「客戶」獨自承擔。

  6. 在不影響「公司」根據無人收領貨品處置條例(香港法例第294章)將被接受「修理」但未就此付款及未被領取的貨物出售的權利的情況下,若「客戶」未能:-
    a) 於收到「公司」所發出「車輛」可被「客戶」取回的通知後的21天內全數償付「修理」的費用、第5條內所提述的存放費用及任何其他須繳付予「公司」的費用及取回「車輛」;或
    b) 於獲悉「修理」費用的書面估計後的7天內接受或就該費用估計作出回應及取回「車輛」,




7. 「客戶」將全部承擔「車輛」被送予及維持在「公司」管有時候的一切風險。「公司」將不會在任何情況下就「車輛」或任何「車輛」附帶,放置或安裝於其內 / 外的物件(包括但不限於非原廠生產的零件 / 組件)在「公司」範圍內或在其控制或在其管有時所引致的任何損失及 / 或損害負上任何法律或其他責任。


8. 「客戶」或其授權人於本「車輛」「修理」表格的簽署將被視為允許「公司」作出在其絕對酌情權內認為需要的任何路上測試或車輛靜止檢查;而「客戶」在此放棄就任何上述路上測試或車輛靜止檢查所引致的任何損失及 / 或損害的申索權利,但由於「公司」的疏忽所引致的損失及 / 或損害除外。


9. 所有有關「修理」的投訴必須在「客戶」領回「車輛」後的7天內妥為通知「公司」,而該投訴必須以下列方式作出,否則「公司」不會受理:-




10. 在「客戶」同意償付所有有關「修理」的酬金、收費、費用及開支及在「客戶」明示陳述及保證「客戶」(即將「車輛」於「公司」範圍內交付「公司」的人士或為作出「修理」而將「車輛」的鎖匙提供予「公司」職員的人士)乃「車輛」的登記車主或車主的授權代表或代理人的情況下,「公司」在此接收「車輛」及承諾作出所需的「修理」。

11. 在「公司」認為有需要向「車輛」作出於前頁所訂明的修理範圍以外的修理,以致使「車輛」能達到合理宜於道路上使用的規格,「公司」將會在該額外修理工作開始前作出合理的努力通知「客戶」或其代表及取得所需的同意。倘若「公司」未能聯絡「客戶」或其代表,「公司」在此保留作出上述額外修理工作的權利而「客戶」在此同意償付所有有關的費用。

12. 縱使「公司」會作出所有合理的努力以致「修理」於其估計的時間內完成,「公司」並不會就火災、水浸、風暴、設備故障、所需人員之缺席、公用設施服務的干擾、零件的 乏或任何其他在「公司」合理控制範圍以外的情況下所引致的任何延誤(包括該延誤所引致的任何損失或損害)負上任何責任。


13. 「客戶」現明示同意及聲明「公司」不會在任何情況下(不論與「修理」有關與否)就未能使用「車輛」所引致的任何損失向「客戶」或「車輛」的登記車主作出賠償。

14. 「公司」就「車輛」擁有一般留置權。「公司」亦有權在「客戶」未能完全償還所有尚欠「公司」的債項(不論與「車輛」或「修理」有關與否)的情況下保留管有「車輛」。




  1. The term "Company” shall mean Gento Limited.

  2. The term "Customer" shall mean the person whose name is set out overleaf.


3. The term "Vehicle" shall mean the vehicle the details of which are set out overel af and the term  "Repair" shall mean the repair of the Vehicle contemplated by  this  vehicle repair  order and that  referred to in Clause  11.


4. Verbal Repair estimates given by the Company in respect of costs and/or completion times and/or any other matters whatsoever in ·relation to the Repair shall operate as an indication only and shall not in any respect be taken as an offer  or otherwise  final or binding  on the part  of  the Company.


5. A holding fee of HKS300.00 per day or part thereof shall be charged by the Company in the event the Customer fails  to collect the Vehicle  within the period of two days after notification by the  Company  to the Customer  of the availability of the Vehicle for collection, and an entry of such  notification on the Company's job card shall be conclusive evidence  thereof.  The Company  hereby  reserves the right to place the Vehicle in open storage in which event the Company  shall not be responsible for any loss and/or damage to the Vehicle or any accessories thereto due to theft or any other causes whatsoever which risks shall be borne solely by  the Customer.


6. Without prejudice to the  Company's  right  to  sell  goods  accepted  for  Repair but which are unpaid for and unclaimed pursuant to the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Ordinance (Chapter 294, Laws of Hong Kong), in the event that the Customer shall fail to (a) make full payment in respect of the Repair. the holding fees referred to in Clause  5  and any  other  charges payable  to  the  Company and collect the Vehicle within a period of 21 days after notification by  the Company of the availability of the Vehicle for collection or (b) collect the Vehicle within 7 days after  a  written  estimate of Repair  charges  has been  notified  to him and has not been  accepted or  responded  to by him,  the  Customer  shall  be deemed to have irrevocably abandoned the Vehicle. in which event the Company shall have the right to dispose of such unclaimed Vehicle  either  by public auction or private contract upon  or  subject  to  any  terms and conditions as  the  Company  may  in   its  absolute  discretion  think   fit  and  the  proceeds of sale thereof shall be applied towards the cost of Repairs (as applicable,) the holding fees referred to in Clause 5  .  other charges payable to the Company and any reasonable costs or expenses associated with such sale.  Any outstanding balance remaining   thereafter shall belong to the Customer Any deficit thereof shall be payable by  the  Customer  to  the  Company  within  14 days of written demand as liquidated damages.


7. The Vehicle is delivered to the Company's possession at the Customer's sole risk. The Company shall not in any way be held responsible for any loss and/or damage whatsoever to the Vehicle or any articles attached to. left inside or installed (including but not limited to any non-factory-built products/parts) in the Vehicle arising from whatever causes whilst on the Company's premises or otherwise under the Company's control or in the Company's possession.


8. The signature by the Customer or his/her duly authorized agent on this Vehicle Repair form shall be deemed to give express permission to the Company  to  carry out any road tests or static inspections as the Company may,  in  its absolute  discretion,  consider  necessary  and  the  Customer   hereby   waives any claim for loss or  damage  whatsoever  and  howsoever  arising  from  any such road tests or static inspections save as caused by the negligence of the Company.


9. Complaints regarding Repairs shall only be entertained by the Company if duly brought to the Company's attention  within  7  days  of  the  Customer  taking delivery of the Vehicle and on the condition that such complaint is made by personal attendance of the Customer or his/her duly authorized agent at the Company's premises and the same being noted by an authorized representative of the Company upon  the Company's  complaint  card  or in writing  signed by  the Customer and sent by prepaid registered post  to reach  the Company  within the said period of 7 days. The Company  shall not  otherwise  be liable  to make any payment to the Customer in respect of or to indemnify the Customer against any loss injury or damage sustained by the Customer  or any  third  party  as a result of any alleged defective repairs not communicated to the Company within the period  of  7  days  as aforesaid.


10. The Company hereby receives the Vehicle and undertakes to carry out the necessary Repairs in consideration of the Customer having-agreed to pay-all associated fees, charges, costs and expenses and on the express representation and warranty of the Customer that the Customer, being  either  the  person delivering the Vehicle to the Company at the Company's premises or making available the key to the Vehicle for collection by the Company's  personnel  for  the purpose of carrying out the  Repairs,  is  the  registered  owner of  the  Vehicle or a duly authorized representative or agent of such registered owner.


11. In the event that the Company  is of the opinion  that  any repair work in addition to the repair work specified overleaf is necessary  for the purposes  of rendering the Vehicle in a reasonably road worthy condition, reasonable efforts shall be made by the Company to contact and to obtain the requisite consent from the Customer or his/her representative before the commencement of such work. However, in the event of the Company being unable to contact the Customer or his/her representative.  the Company reserves the right to carry out and the Customer agrees to pay for such additional repair work.


12. Although every reasonable effort shall be made by the Company to comply with estimates concerning the time of completion of Repairs, the Company shall not be responsible for any delay (and any loss or damage arising therefrom) howsoever caused. including but not limited to that caused, by fire, flood, storm, breakdown of equipment. absence of necessary personnel. interruption of any public utility service. non-availability of spare parts or events otherwise beyond the reasonable control of the Company.


13. The Customer hereby expressly agrees and declares that the Company shall under no circumstances whether in respect of the  Repairs  or  not  be  liable  to compensate the Customer or the registered owner for loss of use of the Vehicle.


14. The Company shall have a general lien over the Vehicle. The Company shall have the right to retain possession of the Vehicle until full settlement by the Customer of all debts, whether in connection with the Vehicle or the Repairs or not, owed by the Customer to the Company.

15. Th e Customer bears the primary liability in respect of all Repair fees, holding charges, costs, and expenses irrespective of whether the Customer will or will not lodge an insurance claim with his/her insurer in relation to the same. The Company will not be involved in any negotiations between the Customer and his/her insurer.

  • 報價後,是否一定要馬上落單?
  • 我可否購買車呔並自行安排呔鋪更換?
  • 我與我的車隊成員不是需要換呔,可以獲得額外折扣嗎?
    無任歡迎!正濤行特設Team Gento車隊計劃,絕對可為你的車隊帶來更優惠的專屬折扣給額外獎賞。歡迎按此細閱詳情,並透過WhatsApp +852-91889729或Facebook私訊聯絡我們,以便我們進一步了解你的需要。
  • 遇上突發車呔問題,我可以怎樣做?


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星期日及公眾假期休息 (休息時間內如未能即時回覆訊息,敬請見諒)

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